Food, trades, apparel, medical needs, entertainment, tourism and others. We make advertisements and ads supporting  variety of services.

Japan has been one of the highly developed country, however unlike America and other places, Japan isn't mentioned much in media, as a result we can say Japan is an "undeveloped country in terms of media”. Japan also has limited number of television channels and newspaper holdings are owned by few big businesses. 

Also we could say Japanese national mentality has it that they are easily effected by mass medias such as ads and commercials.

If you have resources you might be able to use ads and commercials of televisions, but we recommend social media's adsence or ads in the world wide web.

We provide variety of services concerning ads and printing papers with low cost.

Service and it's flow

1) In order to expand client's business to a Japan, we will hear your goals (ex: increasing your sales), core-target, risks, advantages, potential threats, and opportunities will be heard. The Advertisement ads and its development will be planned and thinked over.
In some occasions, we might need to research how effective the ads are before we execute it.
The discussions will be done with phone, e-mail or even a skype.

2). The production and development's cost and how long it takes will be analyzed by us and we will give a report of estimates of the cost.
(When it is first time a client will deal with us, we would need 50% of estimated quote as our retainer fee)

3). Once a request  and retainer fee has been officially approved, the production will start.

4). The Videos (TV commercial, Youtube advertisement movies) and depending on its content there might be a time we might need to get permissions from casting locations.



Desining an add for magazines and news papers.800 USD~/ Up to size of B47 days* We may charge additional fee if you want the advertisement to be on newspaper or magazines.
Facebook Adosence advertismeent and creation of Riding Page2000 USD~/ request


We will design/create Facebook Advertisemetn, and websites that comes after cliking (riding page). The Fee needed to stream the advertisement will be a seperated from the original cost.
Youtube Adosence/videos and it's designs.2000 USD~/ Request14〜60 days

A service where we create a video commercial (HD or 2k of size) The fee might change depending on it's content and length.

TV/To air it/ or using the vision Tvs in cities5000 USD~/1 case14〜60 daysWe will create 4K size commercial video content. The quality is very high, it is very effective for creating commercials before the movies, be on air in tv commericals, or commmericals on the big vision tvs in cities.
Creating Radio Commericial1000 USD~/1 case-3 daysTo create Radio content with Professional Japanese narrator. (30 seconds with 3 types).
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