Market research
$1500.00~Per case
- To research an information needed to expand your business in Japan.
- To create a report of our results concerning the research.
- To View and report Market changes over the time related to your business.
- To Deliver a report to a client 1 or 2 weeks after request.
Consulting Services
$2000.00~Per month
- To research informations needed to expand your business in Japan.
- To provie a rescent and most new informations used to make a business plan for your company.
- To assist and support necessities, arrangements and preparations to expand your business.
Advertising campaign
$1500.00~Per case
- To use social media strategies with adosence with Facebook(Japan), mixi, glee, Ameba.
- Designing advertisements for news paper, magazines, and others.
- Advertisement video for youtube, Commericlas for television, and radio stations.
- To create localized advertisement video for youtube, Television Commericals, and Radio stations' advertisments.
WEB / APP / GAME Localization
$699.00~Per project
- Website, App, and game localization.
- Translation written by Professional Japanese writers.
- Advices for use of fonts and designs commonly acceptable in Japanese standards.
- Advices for making your GUI and menus to be acceptable in Japanese standards.